Plan miasta Neuville sur Sarthe

Neuville sur Sarthe - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Archaeology in Europe News Blog: 08/01/2010 - 09/01/2010

A newly excavated site near Healam Bridge fort, North Yorkshire, a military outpost used by the Ninth, has shown soldiers there had their own industrial estate nearby to provide them with clothes, pottery and other equipment. The Ninth was formed in 65BC and fought in ..... And you need it to conjure up the vast complex of temples that stood nearly 2000 years ago on this flat two-hectare strip of land, in what is now Neuville-sur-Sarthe, 4km to the north of Le Mans. ...
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Gite les petites casnieres, circuit des 24H du Mans, proximité ...

Offre de location de Gîte dans le département Sarthe (72 ) région Pays de la Loire ? Mulsanne pour 12 personnes avec Accessible aux handicapés , Jardin , Salon de jardin , Barbecue , Cheminée , Refrigérateur , Congélateur , Lave ...
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